Vive Designs

Making Your Site Visible To the World | Marketing Your Website


Making Your Site Visible To the World | What You Need To Know

You have a created a new website and have gone ahead and shown it to some of your friends and family. They all applaud it and it is quite obviously a great website. You go ahead and send a couple of tweets and update your Facebook status telling the whole world you have a new website, and then you wait.

A week later! Nothing has happened! Your site has not gotten any hits, no visits and no activity whatsoever. You start getting disappointed because you thought your site would get hits in just a day or two. Truth is, it is not as easy as it seems. There are a lot of things that need to be considered and followed up on before your website is up, running and most of all getting traffic.

Basically, as you start a website, you need to consider it with importance. Imagine that your website is your physical shop. It’s new, with everything your potential customers need. Plus you have made every effort to ensure that it is an outstanding shop.

However, question is, how will you get new customers coming through doors to buy from you? You will need to ensure that your shop is well marketed and visible so that people get to know that you are in existence and are offering services and goods they are or may be in need of. It is all the same with your website. For your website to get more traffic and make more sales there is need to ensure that you find a way to pull in visitors onto your site. How do you do that?

Here are simple tips that will help you to build and market your website:

  1. Work on your site. Your website may be great looking, however is it well-built? You need to ensure that your website is well coded and well-built. This is important as it eases your users’ usability; for instance a great site is one that your visitors can check out both on mobile and on a desktop easily. It makes it easier for search engines to ‘crawl’ your site and index you.


  1. Location of your shop. Where is your site located on Search Engine result rankings? If your shop is not on the main high street- 1st page of Google, then you need to consider working more on your site’s optimization.


However, if your shop is located in some dark alley a few alleyways down the street- no ranking or a rank on pages past the first two Google search results then you need professional SEO services to launch an SEO campaign that will get you better ranking on the indexes.

Search engine Optimization plays a very important role in making a site visible. There is need to ensure that you get in the needed content and to handle back linking to ensure that your site gets a better chance at being indexed highly- at least in the first two search results pages.

  1. Content. One of the best ways to get your site more traffic is to create and post free and original content. This is basically like stocking your shop with fresh supplies all the time. This way, your visitors always find plenty of fresh content; making them want to visit your site for more information.

One of the best ways to add content on to your site is through blogging. Create a blog and fill it with well optimized content. This way, your content can easily be found on search engines. If possible, you could also guest blog on other relevant sites within your niche.

Ensure that you handle back linking on your content. This way, you will easily generate more traffic and Search Engines indexes will learn to trust your site as a worthy and reliable source.

  1. Be interactive. Ensure that you include widgets onto your website. Widgets are great as they make your site more user friendly as your visitors can easily interact with your content, information and such. This way, they have a fun time while browsing through your site. at the same time, widgets help you know what your visitors are searching for


  1. Sell your site. All through we have been talking about marketing and selling your site. Most of these are done on-the-site itself by making it more usable and readily available to customers and engines. However, there is one important thing you need to do to make your site a magnet- sell it.

To sell your site, using social media is one of the best ways of ensuring that you get the kind of attention it needs. Capitalize on sites like Facebook and Twitter to reach out to more people. Consider these sites as billboards for your site. Sell yourself, and your services here well and you will get the kind of traffic you have been looking for.

  1. Email marketing. To capture more users and to get people joining or visiting your website, you will need to come up with a host of marketing strategies. One such inbound marketing strategy is email marketing.


Email marketing is an interesting way of getting to market your site and your products as you get to email your customers of any new changes or any new information on different products and services. However, for your email marketing campaign to take off, you need to find a way that you will have new customers opt-in or subscribe on to your emailing list. If you are not conversant with this, please consult the services of website marketing specialists.


  1. Build your viral marketing strategy. Videos are one of the best ways to marketing your site and make it known to the whole world. Capitalize on YouTube by creating interesting, captivating and well informative videos that will get people talking about you. This way, capturing the attention of many becomes easier and faster to accomplish.

At the same time, tell a friend to tell a friend about you and your site and what you have to offer. This is one of the best ways to get known; and if you get a large network, then chances of you getting a good following will become higher than ever before.

  1. Build your reputation. Image is everything and to capture more visitors and record more hits, you need to consider working on your reputation. To accomplish, strive to be a reliable, trustworthy and credible information provider that is the source of all dependable information. This way, more people will seek you for first-hand information on your products or services in whatever niche you are in.

To get your website up and running, you will need to consider finding ways to make it visible and appealing. By following these simple tips, you will find it easy marketing your website. However, these are just a part of the things that can be done. For more on marketing your new website, get in touch with us today for reliable solutions that you could follow up on to make the best of your new site.




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